Basketball Trophies and Awards

Basketball trophies and awards have been given to winning basketball teams almost as long as basketball has been around. Since the 1970's, though, it has become more and more a common practice to distribute to all players at the end of the season, particularly the younger players. Receiving a trophy or an award at the end of the basketball season, regardless of the team record, helps instill a sense of pride in each young player to continue on in the sport. As confidence in their skills increases, they become better players and the teams have a greater chance of winning the end of season basketball championship trophy. At QuickTrophy we make all sizes and types of and awards - We even have perpetual basketball trophies for fantasy basketball leagues! The fantasy basketball leagues may not be as widespread as the fantasy football leagues, but they are popular and becoming more popular every year. So celebrate your league with one of our fantasy basketball trophies.
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How much does a basketball trophy cost?

First off, it depends on the quantity of trophies you are purchasing. Second, it depends on the size and the style of the trophy you want. If you would like just one basketball trophy, QuickTrophy has the Economy trophy, which is a very basic figurine on a small marble base. The cost for one Economy basketball trophy is only $3.99. If you order them in larger quantities, the price will decrease to as low as $2.99. And although these basic basketball trophies are inexpensive, they are not made cheaply - The base is solid marble and the trophy does include personalized laser engraving and the engraved plate is attached to the finished trophy.

If you are looking for trophies with columns, or larger trophies with larger marble bases that have slant fronts, or basketball trophies with multiple columns, then the prices will increase based on the size and complexity of the trophy.Mid range trophies range from $10 to $20 while larger basketball trophies with multiple columns can range in price from $20 to $50.

If you are interested in basketball medals instead of trophies, they are available for as low as $0.99 each in large quantities. If you are interested in a single basketball medal without engraving, QuickTrophy sells them for as low as $2.99. and only $3.69 for a single basketball medal with personalized laser engraving. And all medals from QuickTrophy include an attached neck ribbon at no extra charge.

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